Rollertown Beerworks Rolling Into Later This Year

Rollertown Beerworks is opening another brewery in Frisco later this year.
Photo: Official

Rollertown Beerworks is opening another brewery in Frisco later this year, owners Angela and Jonathan Rogers confirmed with What Now Dallas. This will add to their existing location in Celina, Texas where the brand serves up fresh local beer, wines, cocktails, cocktails and more, as well as food from local food trucks Thursday through Sunday.

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Their website includes the “Rollertown Manifesto” which describes their grab-life-by-the-horns approach that refuses to let life happen to them. “We are not here to be passive recipients or to live someone else’s version of the world,” the website says.

So, they’ve made their own reality, and the results are stellar: a family friendly, pet friendly, all around fun place for people go gather and enjoy good drinks and local food. 

The name Rollertown comes from the late 1800s before railroads were built. “The founders of those cities could only guess where the railroad might ultimately go….So some of the towns out there put their physical buildings up on rollers and pulled them through miles of wet fields with traction engines to where the railroad would ultimately be.” By rolling their towns, these families would provide for themselves, their families and communities. 

“That life you want is right over there, so go make it a reality,” the website says. “All it takes is a little gumption, some audacity, and the willingness to take your shot.”  

Get on board with the Rollertown mindset and menu at 

Taylor Bollinger

Taylor Bollinger

Taylor Bollinger is a freelance writer whose career spans the worlds of public relations, advertising and journalism. When not creating copy for her clients, Taylor can be found with family...or with her nose in the latest fantasy fiction.
Taylor Bollinger

Taylor Bollinger

Taylor Bollinger is a freelance writer whose career spans the worlds of public relations, advertising and journalism. When not creating copy for her clients, Taylor can be found with family...or with her nose in the latest fantasy fiction.

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