Owner Ferry Jatikusuma told What Now Dallas that Hachi Grill, his first restaurant, will be opening by spring of 2024 at 9188 Prestmont Place #102 in Frisco.
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“It is a Japanese grill offering modernized sushi and omakase, as well as a robot grill,” Ferry told What Now Dallas. “We come from New York and the chef is trained by a Japanese master sushi chef. We want to introduce people to the true concept of omakase.”
Omakase translates literally to ‘I leave it up to you’ or ‘I trust you, chef’. In the case of a Japanese restaurant, it applies as the customer trusts the chef to create their meal based on the fresh ingredients available and in stock that day. Then, the chef adapts the rest of the courses based on the customers reaction to the initial creation.
In Japanese cuisine, robota means fireside-cooking, similar to a barbecue. Food is typically cooked on skewers, slow-turned over a hot charcoal. The website and social media platforms are yet to be established for this immersive Japanese dining experience coming soon to Frisco.