AUsome Cat Cafe and Rescue to Bring An Inclusive Oasis to Carrollton

The cat cafe supporting adults with autism — and of course, cats — will open this fall.
Photo: Official

AUsome Cat Cafe is in the works at 2155 Marsh Lane in Carrollton. The spot will serve as a cat rescue as well as an opportunity for adults with autism to develop essential job skills.

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The spot is awaiting 501c3 status, but plans to open this winter. “The AUsome Cat Cafe brings rescue cats and neurodiversity together, helping to find meaningful employment for adults on the autism spectrum and loving homes for rescue cats,” the website explains.

Customers will be welcomed to work, connect, and enjoy their “favorite beverages and snacks in a relaxing atmosphere filled with enchanting cats.”

AUsome Cat Cafe is the project of Andrea Gamble, a behavior analyst whose passion for individuals with autism has been a common thread throughout her life, including her previous ownership of a therapy center for those with developmental disabilities. 

Learn more about this passion project benefiting pets and people at

Taylor Bollinger

Taylor Bollinger

Taylor Bollinger is a freelance writer whose career spans the worlds of public relations, advertising and journalism. When not creating copy for her clients, Taylor can be found with family...or with her nose in the latest fantasy fiction.
Taylor Bollinger

Taylor Bollinger

Taylor Bollinger is a freelance writer whose career spans the worlds of public relations, advertising and journalism. When not creating copy for her clients, Taylor can be found with family...or with her nose in the latest fantasy fiction.

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